Property Tax
Property Tax Timeline
May 17th
Property Tax assessments mailed out.
May 17th - June 25th
Appeal period.
June 25th
Board of Equalization meeting at 5:30pm.
July 1st
Property Tax Invoices mailed out.
October 15th
5:00pm, property taxes due.
Ordinance 2022-3, an ordinance of the City of Pelican amending provisions of the Pelican Municipal Code chapter 3.24 Property Tax, Sections 3.24.180 and 3.24.210.
Click here to view a copy of the ordinance.
3.24.070 Valuation of Property
Property will be assessed as of January 1st of the assessment year.
3.24.090 Notice of Assessment
The assessor shall give to every person named in the assessment roll a notice of assessment.
Notice shall be posted at three public places for a period of two weeks.
3.24.100 Board of Equalizatoin
The city council of the city of Pelican shall sit as the board of equalization and complete its work not later than June 30th of each year.
3.24.120 Appeal Procedure - Errors in Valuation
Any person may appeal to the board with respect to any alleged error in the valuation overcharge, omission or neglect of the assessor. .Notice of appeal in writing specifying grounds for appeal shall be filed within thirty days after the assessor’s notice of assessment.
3.24.150 Mailing Tax Statements
Tax statements will be mailed within seven days after July 1st of any given year.
3.24.180 Due Date - Discount Credit
All taxes levied in accordance with this chapter shall be due and payable on or before the fifteenth day of October of each year and shall become delinquent at five p.m. on said date. Those taxes paid in full before they become due, will be allowed a five percent discount credit on the total tax paid.
3.25.210 Delinquent Tax Payments - Penalties
A. If taxes are not paid when du and become delinquent, there is imposed thereon penalty and interest which shall accrue as follows:
Ten percent per year shall be added as a penalty to all taxes which become delinquent on October 15th of any year and in addition there shall be added interest at ten percent per year on all delinquent taxes, not including penalty, from date of delinquency until paid.
B. All payments made for taxes, pnalty and interest on any one piece of property shall be credited first to the past due penalty, then to the past due interest, then to the past due taxes and then to the current taxes, in that order.
3.24.220 Delinquent Personal Property Tax Payments - Mailing of Notice
Prior to November 30th of each year, the city clerk shall mail, postage prepaid, to all persons whose personal property taxes are delinquent demand for payment of the taxes plus penalty and interest.