City of Pelican - Notice of Surplus Equipment Sale

The Pelican City Council has declared the following equipment to be obsolete, surplus, or no longer cost-effective to repair or maintain for regular use. As such, the equipment has been approved for public sale.

Proceeds from the sales will be allocated toward the purchase of new equipment for the respective departments. For more information or to place a bid, please contact Raven Hanson, City Treasurer, at 907-735-2202, or by email at

Sale Details:

  • Sale Ends: May 31st, 2025

  • Minimum Offer: $5.00 per item

  • Terms: First Come, First Serve - Equipment Sold “As Is”

  • Removal: Purchased Items Must be Removed from City Property Within Ten (10) Days of Sale

  • Documentation: City Hall will provide a Bill of Sale.

*The City of Pelican reserves the right to withdraw any item from the sale before May 31st, 2025.

  1. John Deer 450 Dozer - $2500.00 est.

  2. Waterous Dependable Skid Mounted Fire Apparatus (x2) - $1,500.00 each est.

  3. Case 1845C D125C Backhoe Attachment - $1,250.00 est.

  4. Case 1845C Snow Blower Attachment - $1,250.00 est.

  5. Cat Refurbished Genset - $5,000.00 est.

  6. Ingersoll Rand 185CFM Air Compressor - $2,500.00

  7. 90’s Toyota 2.5ton Forklift - $1,000.00 est.

  8. Yellow Steam Trailer - $1,500.00 est.

  9. Honda Rancher ATV - $1,000.00 est.

  10. Morooka Tracked Dump Vehicle - $1,500.00 est.



Public Notice of Request for Proposal - Request for Mussel Alley

Posted 2/13/2025 by RCH

Location: Mussel Heights Subdivision, a public alley easement separating lots 3B & 3E in Block 6 from lots 2A & 2C. Mussel Alley runs toward the south from Salmon Way, approximately 85 feet to a dead end. At the intersection with Salmon Way, there is an initial stairway consisting of 15 treads to the boardwalk and then a second stairway of 9 treads further down the boardwalk towards the dead end.


  • A plan to replace the stairway and boardwalk with treated wood and rot resistant.

  • Mussel Alley consists of the following measurements starting at the top: boardwalk 4’ wide & 11’ long leading to stairs consisting of 15 treads (steps) down to a boardwalk 4’ wide & 10.5’ long leading to a stairway consisting of 9 treads down to a boardwalk 4’ wide and a boardwalk with a dead end 46’ distant.

  • Handrails meeting industry design standards.

  • Dimensions of the planking, posts, and treads.

  • Treads are to be steel.

  • Cement or underground rated wood pads to keep the posts above the soil overburden.

  • Removal of the current structure and replacing it with new in the same footprint.

  • A cost estimate for the removal & disposal, shipping/freight, estimate for replacement materials, and labor to install.

This alley is within the corporate city limits of Pelican, Alaska. Once the RFP is awarded the project is to be completed within 90 days.

Submission Guidelines:

-Submission Deadline: Friday, April 4th, 2025

-Address for Submission: City of Pelican, P.O. Box 737, Pelican, Alaska 99832

Contact Details:

For inquiries, please contact Patricia Phillips at:

Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Blue Bunkhouse Renovation Project - Option 1

Posted 2/13/2025 by RCH

Overview: The City of Pelican is seeking proposals from qualified person(s) for renovation work at the Blue Bunkhouse, Lot 8, salmon Subdivision, Plat 2014-11, Salmon Way.

The goal is to restore the building to a safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing condition.

Option 1: Blue Bunkhouse Renovation with current floor plan configuration.

Renovation Proposal Requirements and Scope of Work:

-Comprehensive renovation plan.

-Short-term and long-term renovations possibilities.

-Budget and timeline.

Submission Requirements:

-Profile and experience.

-Detailed project plan with timeline and cost estimate.

-Experience with previous similar projects.

Submission Guidelines:

-Each renovation proposal must be submitted as a separate proposal.

-Submission Deadline: Monday, March 17th, 2025.

-Address for Submission: City of Pelican, P.O. Box 737, Pelican, Alaska 99832

Selection Process:

The Mayor and Pelican City Council will evaluate proposals based on criteria such as feasibility, cost, renovation proposal requirements, and alignment with building use.

Evaluation Criteria:

-Experience and qualifications.

-Proposed approach for removed work.

-Cost-effectiveness or proposal.

-References and past performance.

Contact Details:

For inquiries, please contact Patricia Phillips at:

Option 2: Blue Bunkhouse Renovation with floor plan reconfiguration.

Renovation Proposal Requirements and Scope of Work:

  1. Structural assessment and repairs

  2. Electrical and plumbing repairs

  3. Interior and exterior renovations

  4. Floor plan reconfiguration - floor plan variable.

Submission Requirements:

-Profile and experience

-Detailed project plan with timeline

-Cost estimate

-Experience with previous similar projects

Submission Guidelines:

-Each renovation proposal must be submitted as a separate proposal

-Submission Deadline: Monday, March 17th, 2025

-Address for Submission: City of Pelican, P.O. Box 737, Pelican, Alaska 99832

Selection Process:

The Mayor and Pelican City Council will evaluate proposals based on criteria such as feasibility cost, renovation proposal requirements, and alignment with building use.

Evaluation Criteria:

-Experience and qualifications

-Proposed approach for remodel work

-Cost-effectiveness of proposal

-Reference and past performance

Contact Details:

For inquiries, please contact Patricia Phillips at

Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Blue Bunkhouse Renovation Project - Option 2

Posted 2/13/2025 by RCH

Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Blue Bunkhouse Renovation Project - Option 2

Posted 2/13/2025 by RCH

Request for Letters of Interest regarding the potential sale of the Blue Bunkhouse.

Overview: The City of Pelican is considering putting up for sale, the Blue Bunkhouse located at Lot 8, Salmon Subdivision, Plat 2014-11, Salmon Way.

The goal would be to sell the building and property to support the restoration of the building to safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing condition.

Option 3: Sale of Blue Bunkhouse to facilitate renovation.

If you have any interest in possibly purchasing the building and property, please submit a letter of interest to the City of Pelican.

City of Pelican, P.O. Box 737, Pelican, Alaska 99832

If there is sufficient interest in the sale of the blue bunkhouse then the city council may draft up terms and conditions by resolution and ordinance for a sealed bid option.

The Pelican City Council will gauge the interest in whether to sell the building and property or proceed with Options 1 or 2 for the renovation of the blue bunkhouse.

Contact Details: For inquiries, please contact Patricia Phillips at:


Pelican Hydro Relicensing Project


Xunaa Borough Information